Note to pharmacists and relevant health authorities

What is Kano Care?

Kano Care is an online medical consultation service for male patients based in the European Union.

Our medical team will consult remotely with any adult patient whose condition allows for safe treatment without the need for a physical consultation. Kano Care aims to provide better access to care for men with intimate health issues (e.g premature ejaculation).

Who are the doctors who practice at Kano Care?

The doctors on the team are qualified professionals, both general practitioners and specialists, registered with the Irish Medical Council (IMC).

How can we treat patients remotely and safely?

Our medical team will only treat patients if their health condition and the subject for which they are consulting do not necessarily require a physical examination. This allows us to conduct consultations based on medical questionnaires. Our medical questionnaires are constructed based on the applicable clinical guidelines.

When a patient's condition does not allow a diagnosis to be made or a treatment to be prescribed, even after an additional exchange to the questionnaire, the patient is systematically referred to a physical consultation.


Our prescriptions made by a physician based in Ireland valid across the European Union, including Italy?

Yes. Any prescription made by one of our partner physicians is fully legal throughout the European Union, in accordance with EU Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. This directive has been implemented into Italian law through Legislative Decree No. 38 of March 4, 2014. The decree acknowledges the validity of prescriptions issued by doctors registered in another EU member state. All of our physicians are registered with the Irish Medical Council in Ireland, which is part of the EU.

For more information:

How does online prescribing work?

We partner with the platform Ordoclic to enable our partnering physicians to electronically sign a digital prescription according to EU Regulation eIDAS. It is a real digital signature as defined in EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market. This ensures that all prescriptions made are secure, deliverable and traceable.

What is Promescent© Delay Spray?

Promescent© Delay Spray is an over-the-counter topical spray designed to help men manage premature ejaculation (PE) during sexual activity. The spray contains a local anesthetic called lidocaine (typically around 10%), which helps to numb the sensitive areas of the penis, reducing sensation and allowing for longer-lasting sexual performance. For more information, see here:

Promescent© Delay Spray is an FDA compliant pharmaceutical product. In the US, the product has been sold since 2010 and is freely available in large supermarket chains such as Walmart, Walgreens, Target, HEB and many others as well as on Amazon and other online sales channels.

It is not, however, currently available in the European Union. Given it’s non-registered status, in most EU countries a medical prescription is required for the import of the spray. This can be medically justified in cases where, for example, there is no authorized medication in the EU country that constitutes an adequate alternative for the patient.

Contact us

For any request or question you can send us an email to or call us at +33 1 59 13 13 13

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