Don’t put your love life on hold.

Get effective treatment for your erectile dysfunction. Prescribed by healthcare professionals, in less than 24 hours, without an appointment or face-to-face.

100% online, without face-to-face

Consultation within 24h

Effective and personalized treatments

Don’t put your
 love life on hold.
The Kano experience

Practical. Discreet. Reliable.

Médecins agréés

Expérimentés et habillités en Union européenne.

Traitements personnalisés

Plan de traitement adapté à votre profil.


Évalué 'Excellent' (4.6 / 5) sur Trustpilot.

Tarif très compétitif

35€ par consultation au lieu de 80€ en cabinet.

Sécurisé et confidentiel

Données sécurisées et soumises au secret médical.

Soutien continu

Échange direct avec l'équipe médicale 24/7

Service rapide

Ordonnance disponible sous 24h, ou 3h en mode 'Express'.

How it works

Towards effective treatment in 4 simple steps.



Online consultation

Answer a few questions online about your symptoms, medical history, and treatment preferences (approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire).


Few hours

Doctor review

A licensed physician specializing in sexual health reviews your online request and identifies the best treatment for you. They will prescribe treatment, if necessary, within 24 hours.

chat bubble




If your request is approved, you will receive a digital prescription to download. It is secure, traceable and valid in any French pharmacy.



Treatment and support

Collect your treatment at the pharmacy and take back control of your sex life. The medical team remains at your disposal (questions, treatment changes, prescription renewals)

You're in safe hands.

Serious support, without shortcuts.

doctor image

Dr Sam Ward

Urologist-Andrologist, Medical Director at Kano

Qualified Doctors

Our doctors are all approved in the European Union, by the Irish Medical Council, French-speaking and specialised in sexual health.

Valid prescriptions

Digital prescriptions traceable and valid in any French pharmacy.

Effective treatments

Our doctors only prescribe treatments authorized by the ANSM that have proven their effectiveness in multiple clinical studies.
Real impact

They have taken control of their sexual health, join them.

Je recommande sans hésitation kano care
Je recommande sans hésitation kano care qui m'ont apporté une aide importante pour la délivrance d'une ordonnance.
Mickael | 43 ans
Très rapide et fiable
Je vous recommande, contacté et ordonnance délivrée 30 mn après. Puis direction pharmacie pour récupérer merci à vous
Nicolas | 25 ans
Ça fonctionne parfaitement
On renseigne les informations. Puis on reçoit quelques jours après l'ordonnance acceptée en pharmacie. Service essayé à deux reprises et deux fois fonctionnel. Pour ma part je recommande.
Didier | 54 ans

More than 1000 men already trust us. Why not you ?


More questions?

If you cannot find the answer to your questions below, contact us by email ( or by telephone on 01 59 13 13 13.

What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) - sometimes called 'impotence' - is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that's firm enough for sex. Erection problems from time to time are very common, particularly in men over 40, but ED that is progressive or happens routinely with sex should be treated.

Will I be able to get a prescription for ED treatment from Kano?

First, you will have to complete a medical questionnaire - and we're asking you to complete it truthfully, accurately and to the best of your ability. Second, our partner physicians will review your questionnaire and may prescribe ED treatment remotely if it's appropriate and safe to do so. If not, we will let you know and you will not be charged for our services. In the end, the choice of prescribing or not is always between you and the treating physician.

Who are Kano's partner physicians?

Kano has been designed with the expert guidance of leading local urologists. To review medical questionnaires, Kano works exclusively with fully licensed physicians that are experienced in remote consultations. Our partner physicians practice in Ireland, where telehealth laws are more advanced and remote diagnosis and prescribing is already permitted, and in many cases the norm.

How much does it cost to get a prescription via Kano?

We charge a €35 fee for the remote consultation and e-prescription. We only charge when a prescription is made. If our partner physicians decide not to grant a prescription to you, we will release your money back to you immediately and in full. Note that a remote consultation via Kano is not reimbursable in France under the current telehealth legislation. We are not a pharmacy and do not sell treatment. The cost of any ED treatment prescribed via Kano's partner physicians will have to be covered by you at the pharmacy, as usual. Note that, in general, under the current reimbursement rules in France, the Assurance Maladie does not reimburse ED treatment.

which payment methods are accepted?

We accept payments by credit or debit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express cards. You can also use PayPal.

How does Kano ensure discretion for patients?

You do not need to speak to a doctor in person. You fill out a medical questionnaire online, which will then be reviewed by a doctor. If the doctor needs more information, they will contact you. The service is completely discreet. No one has access to your medical information except the treating physician. All data is encrypted and stored in secure servers. We will not share your information with anyone except the treating physician. Any mention of treatments will not appear on the invoice or on the credit or bank statement.

About Kano

Think of Kano as your personal, online men’s health clinic. We've created Kano in close collaboration with patients, GPs and urologists. Our aim is simple: make men's health convenient, discreet and safe. Say 'goodbye' to long, waitlists to consult a specialist, packed waiting rooms and uncomfortable conversations. Say 'hello' to Kano.

old men image
mini and big cactus

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