A self-assessment of your erections can reveal a problem that needs to be addressed.

How can I tell if I have an erection problem?


Medically reviewed by Notre équipe éditoriale

Written by Anne-Sophie Laignel

Last updated 1/22/2025 - 6 min read

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, affects many men at various times in their lives. It is important to be able to identify the signs and understand when it is necessary to consult a healthcare professional.

The signs that may indicate an erection problem

1. Difficulties in obtaining an erection

If you regularly experience (more than 50% of the time) difficulty in achieving an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, it may be a sign of erectile dysfunction.

2. Difficulty maintaining an erection

Even if you manage to get an erection, if you have difficulty maintaining it throughout sexual intercourse, this may also indicate a problem.

3. Decreased or lost libido

A significant decrease in sexual desire, especially if accompanied by erectile difficulties, warrants special attention.

Evaluate Your Erectile Function in 2 Minutes

The IIEF-5 Index is a recognized tool to assess erectile function. Answer 5 questions and discover your score and options in complete confidentiality.


Over the last six months

How do you rate your confidence that you could get and keep an erection?

Very low




Very high

When should you start worrying?

  • If the problems persist for more than 3 months
  • If difficulties occur in more than 50% of the attempts
  • If it affects your psychological well-being or your romantic relationship
  • If you notice any other unusual physical symptoms

Possible causes

Erection problems can have various causes:

Physical causes:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Side effects of certain medications

Psychological causes:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relational issues
  • Lack of self-confidence

Initial self-assessment

To determine whether you should consult a health professional, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you experience erection difficulties in more than 50% of cases?
  • Have these difficulties been persisting for more than 3 months?
  • Have you noticed a significant decrease in the quality of your erections?
  • Do these issues affect your quality of life or your relationship?
  • Are you taking any medications that could have an impact on your erectile function?
  • Do you suffer from chronic illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension?

When to consult?

If you answered 'yes' to one or more of these questions, it is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional. Specialists to consider may include:

  • Your primary care physician at first consultation
  • A urologist
  • A sexologist
  • A psychologist or psychiatrist (especially if the causes appear to be psychological)

Do not neglect this problem

It is important not to ignore erectile dysfunction issues because:

  • They may be a sign of more serious health issues
  • Effective solutions exist in most cases
  • The earlier the intervention, the better the outcomes
  • This can significantly affect your quality of life and psychological well-being
Important: Erectile dysfunction is a common and treatable medical condition. There is no shame in talking to a healthcare professional about it. The sooner you seek help, the quicker you can return to a satisfying sex life.

Erectile dysfunction can be a cause for concern, but it's important to know that it is usually treatable. If you recognize any of the signs mentioned above, do not hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. Open communication and early intervention are the keys to effective treatment.

Quick Test: Assess Your Erectile Health

This questionnaire helps you identify potential signs of erectile dysfunction. It does not replace a medical consultation, but can guide you towards a more thorough evaluation.

1. Do you have difficulty achieving an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse?

  • A) No, never
  • B) Yes, sometimes
  • C) Yes, often or always

2. Do you have difficulty maintaining an erection until the end of sexual intercourse?

  • A) No, never
  • B) Yes, from time to time
  • C) Yes, frequently

3. Has your sexual desire decreased recently?

  • A) No, not at all
  • B) Yes, slightly
  • C) Yes, significantly

4. Have you noticed a decrease or absence of morning erections?

  • A) No, they are still present
  • B) Yes, they are less frequent
  • C) Yes, they are practically nonexistent

5. Do you feel any discomfort or frustration related to your sexual performance?

  • A) No, never
  • B) Yes, sometimes
  • C) Yes, often

Interpretation of results:

  • Majority of A: Your erectile health appears to be satisfactory. If you have any concerns, it may be beneficial to discuss them with a professional.
  • Majority of B: You may experience moderate signs of erectile dysfunction. A medical consultation can provide you with answers and appropriate solutions.
  • C majority: You exhibit significant symptoms of erectile dysfunction. A medical evaluation is strongly recommended to identify the causes and consider treatment.

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